Results for 'Giselle Faur de Castro Catarino'

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  1.  23
    Literatura e teologia: todos os caminhos levam ao sagrado.Gisele Cardoso de Lemos - 2010 - Synesis 2 (2):23-44.
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    Cannibal Metaphysics.Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    The iconoclastic Brazilian anthropologist and theoretician Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, well known in his discipline for helping initiate its “ontological turn,” offers a vision of anthropology as “the practice of the permanent decolonization of thought.” After showing that Amazonian and other Amerindian groups inhabit a radically different conceptual universe than ours—in which nature and culture, human and nonhuman, subject and object are conceived in terms that reverse our own—he presents the case for anthropology as the study of such “other” (...)
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    L'exercice théologique aujourd'hui : Autour d'un livre de Pierre Gisel.Pierre Gisel, Guy Jobin, Raymond Lemieux, François Nault & Jean Richard - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (3):745-782.
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    (1 other version)Exchanging perspectives.Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (3):463-484.
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    Lire théologiquement et spirituellement les Écritures.Pierre Gisel - 2005 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):533-543.
    Infléchissant le propos de J.-L. Chrétien en passant du " dire " au " lire ", et en congédiant l' " autorité " ainsi que le qualificatif " Saintes " impliqués dans l'article du philosophe, P. Gisel pose la question de savoir en quoi ce livre - l'Ecriture ou les Ecritures - est " Parole de Dieu ", peut-être " en quoi " il est d'abord Parole, et ensuite, plus radicalement, " Parole de Dieu ". Or, les Ecritures sont et (...)
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    O problema da empatia na fenomenologia da intersubjetividade de Husserl.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e44596.
    No debate teórico sobre a empatia, há uma recente renovação do interesse pelo modelo husserliano. Após uma análise prévia sobre o lugar da empatia na fenomenologia transcendental, propõe-se uma investigação sobre como Husserl desenvolveu sua perspectiva, a partir de dois textos, em especial, nas Ideias II (Hua 4) e na Fenomenologia da Intersubjetividade (Hua 13, 14 e 15). Avalia-se inicialmente, nas Ideias II, qual é o papel da empatia, na constituição da realidade anímica. Em seguida, propõe-se, a partir da Fenomenologia (...)
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    L'Écriture autobiographique de Nathalie Sarraute dans Enfance.Gisèle Kapuscinski - 1995 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 12 (1):45-51.
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    Recension de Patrick Haenni, l'Islam de marché.Giselle Donnard - 2006 - Multitudes 3 (3):209-213.
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  9. Commodification and exploitation: arguments in favour of compensated organ donation.L. D. de Castro - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):142-146.
    This paper takes the view that compensated donation and altruism are not incompatible. In particular, it holds that the arguments against giving compensation stand on weak rational grounds: the charge that compensation fosters “commodification” has neither been specific enough to account for different types of monetary transactions nor sufficiently grounded in reality to be rationally convincing; although altruism is commendable, organ donors should not be compelled to act purely on the basis of altruistic motivations, especially if there are good reasons (...)
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    Zeno and the art of anthropology of lies, beliefs, paradoxes, and other truths.Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):128-145.
    The article assumes that the expression “comparative relativism”—the title of the Common Knowledge symposium in which the essay appears—is neither tautological nor oxymoronic. Rather, the author construes the term as an apt synthetic characterization of anthropology and illustrates that idea by means of four quotations, taken from authors as different as Richard Rorty and David Schneider, Marcel Mauss and Henri Michaux. The quotations can be said to “exemplify” anthropology in terms that are interestingly (and diversely) restrictive: some of them amount (...)
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  11.  46
    Age Matters but it should not be Used to Discriminate Against the Elderly in Allocating Scarce Resources in the Context of COVID-19.Leniza de Castro-Hamoy & Leonardo D. de Castro - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (3):331-340.
    A patient’s age serves as a very useful guide to physicians in deciding what disease manifestations to anticipate, what treatment to offer for certain conditions, and how to prepare for possible emergencies. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, determining treatment options on the basis of a patient’s chronological age can easily give rise to unjustified discrimination. This is of particular significance in situations where the allocation of scarce critical care resources could have a direct impact on who will live (...)
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  12.  48
    O corpo como objeto: considerações sobre o conceito de sublimação através da Arte Carnal de Orlan.Giselle Falbo & Ana Beatriz Freire - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:190-203.
  13. ¿ Se equivocó Descartes?: neurobiología y racionalidad.Giséle Mary & Camilo José Cela Conde - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:339-344.
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    Inversão real e inversão ideal: a crítica da ideologia em A ideologia alemã.Gisele Zanola - 2022 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 27 (2):69-85.
    Este artigo apresenta o conceito de ideologia em A ideologia alemã, de Marx e Engels, a partir da relação entre a inversão real gerada pela divisão do trabalho e a inversão ideológica, considerando o problema de a ideologia ser caracterizada como a inversão da realidade das relações de produção ao mesmo tempo que a expressão dessas mesmas relações. Por meio da análise do conceito procura-se reavaliar a importância dos manuscritos inacabados de “I. Feuerbach”, tendo em vista que a discussão bibliográfica (...)
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  15. For a Strategic Primitivism.Eduardo Viveiros de Castro & Yuk Hui - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (2):391-400.
    In this dialogue with Yuk Hui, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro discusses his work on the Amerindian perspectivism, multinaturalism; the relation between nature, culture and technics in his ethnographic studies; as well as the necessity of a non-anthropocentric definition of technology. He also discusses a haunting futurism of ecological crisis and automation of the Anthropocene, and explores a “strategic primitivism” as survival tool.
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    Towards ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm’: Origins and Nature.Gregorio Martín-de-Castro, Miriam Delgado-Verde, Pedro López-Sáez & José E. Navas-López - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):649-662.
    Economic and social activities are undergoing radical changes, which can be labelled as ‘knowledge economy and/or society’. In this sense, intellectual capital, or knowledge assets, as the fourth factor of production, is replacing the other ones – job, land and capital. This article tries to offer the origins and nature of the firm’s IC that can be labelled as ‘An Intellectual Capital-Based View of the Firm Competition’. This framework tries to highlight the strategic role of different intangible assets like talented (...)
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  17.  36
    Meditation has stronger relationships with mindfulness, kundalini, and mystical experiences than yoga or prayer.John M. de Castro - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35 (C):115-127.
  18.  26
    Prácticas culturales: dos colectivos de migrantes, dos países de destino.Gisele Kleidermacher & Florencia Jensen - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (106):103-112.
    Este artículo se propone analizar las prácticas sociales y culturales de dos colectivos de migrantes en dos países latinoamericanos: el caso de los inmigrantes argentinos en Chile y de los inmigrantes senegaleses en Argentina. Comprendemos que estas prácticas tienen como trasfondo el encuentro entre compatriotas y apelan a la creatividad y espontaneidad en el contexto de integración a la sociedad de destino, contribuyendo a formar redes y lazos sociales quizás antes no existentes. Estas actividades creativas y re-creativas contribuyen a la (...)
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    De Mathematicae atque Philosophiae Elegantia.Gisele Secco (ed.) - 2021 - College Publications.
    Esta extensa colección de ensayos en honor de Abel Lassalle Casanave refleja la amplitud de su compromiso filosófico con las ciencias formales. Cada ensayo, breve en extensión pero rico en la profundidad de su perspectiva, invita al lector a explorar una muestra de la investigación contemporánea en la historia y/o la filosofía de la lógica y la matemática. El efecto general es el de un anticipo de la diversidad de recientes áreas de investigación, así como de la variedad de enfoques (...)
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  20.  25
    Ensino de Filosofia e Currículo, de Ronai Pires da Rocha.Gisele Secco - 2005 - Critica.
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    Is there an Asian Bioethics?Leonardo D. De Castro - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (3-4):227-235.
    Is there an Asian Bioethics? Some people might consider it blasphemous even to ask this question. But this paper asks it not so much to seek an answer as to clarify what it could actually mean. The idea is to sort out the presuppositions and possible implications of asserting the existence of an Asian bioethics. In the end, this paper makes the following points: (1) In the attempt to assert an Asian identity, one must be careful not to commit the (...)
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  22.  38
    Deweyan Democracy, Neoliberalism, and Action Research.Luis Sebastián Villacañas de Castro - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (1):19-36.
    This article aims to establish a line of continuity between John Dewey’s democratic and educational ideals and the practice of action research, to justify that the latter affords an adequate means to enact Dewey’s ideals against the destructive challenges that neoliberalism poses to democracy today. This aim involves three ideas that will be developed in three corresponding sections. After the Introduction, the first section analyzes at length the main tenets of Dewey’s thoughts about democracy by emphasizing the role of the (...)
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    El marco normativo como fomento a la I+D+i científico-tecnológica en Argentina: la edición genética en el campo agropecuario y su regulación geopolítica.Gisele Bilañski - 2023 - Arbor 199 (809):a712.
    Argentina fue el primer país del mundo en establecer que los organismos que resulten de nuevas técnicas de edición genética (GE, en sus siglas en inglés) no estarán alcanzados por la normativa para Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (OGM), siempre y cuando una primera evaluación concluya que no incluye ADN de otra especie. Esto es relevante porque las evaluaciones para comercializar un OGM son tan extensas y costosas que solo son accesibles para unas pocas empresas multinacionales, que monopolizan la innovación fundamental, las (...)
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    « La Russie A Peut-être Plus Besoin De La Guerre En Tchétchénie Que De La Tchétchénie Elle-même ».Giselle Donnard - 2005 - Multitudes 22 (3):233-238.
    This book by Anne Le Huérou, Aude Merlin, Amandine Regamey and Silvia Serrano reinscribes the Chechen conflict within the continuity of Russian colonization , within that of a Sovietization out of which the nationalist movement originally grew, within the immanent needs of the Putinian regime and within the complexity of the interactions between Islam, resistance, solidarity, identity and the fear of extermination. It focuses in particular on the role of women, including of the “kamikaze” women who tragically illustrate the change (...)
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    Statut et place de l'Église, en compréhension interne et face à la société.Pierre Gisel - 2012 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 100 (3):403-417.
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  26. Les visages de la culture dans l'œ uvre de Kourouma.Gisèle Prignitz - unknown
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    Suporte familiar e saúde mental: evidência de validade baseada na relação entre variáveis.Mayra Silva de Souza, Makilim Nunes Baptista & Gisele Aparecida da Silva Alves - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:32-44.
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  28. A construção de mitos e os usos do passado nacional: Vargas e Perón: Brasil: Cultura-Memória.A. de Castro Gomes - 1997 - História 16:109-129.
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    Zenos wake.Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):163-165.
    This piece is an answer to comments by Matei Candea, Debbora Battaglia, and Roy Wagner on the author's article, “Zeno and the Art of Anthropology.” Here Viveiros de Castro focuses on the relation between exo- and endo-anthropology, on the conditions for the conceptual imagination of the other, on the distinction between minor and royal (or state) science, and on the precise meaning of the characterization of anthropology as a theory of the “ontological autodetermination of the world's peoples.”.
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    Filosofia, educação a descolonização epistêmica do saber.Dannyel Teles de Castro & Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (73):83-112.
    Apoio: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) – Brasil – Código de Financiamento 001 Filosofia, educação a descolonização epistêmica do saber Resumo: O artigo pretende abordar as possíveis contribuições da filosofia latino-americana e das filosofias e pedagogias indígenas na descolonização epistêmica do saber. Para tanto, investiga o trabalho de libertação da filosofia proposto Enrique Dussel e Raúl Fornet-Bettancourt, bem como a noção de colonialidade do saber, pensada por diferentes teóricos da concepção decolonial. Identifica-se a necessidade de compreender (...)
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  31. Exploitation in the use of human subjects for medical experimentation: A re-examination of basic issues.Leonardo D. de Castro - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):259–268.
    Relatively subtle forms of exploitation of human subjects may arise from the inefficiency or incompetence of a researcher, from the existence of a power imbalance between principal and subject, or from the uneven distribution of research risks among various segments of the population. A powerful and knowledgeable person (or institution) may perpetrate the exploitation of an unempowered and ignorant individual even without intending to. There is an ethical burden on the former to protect the interests of the vulnerable. Excessive or (...)
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    On the quantum principles of cognitive learning.Alexandre de Castro - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):281-282.
    Pothos & Busemeyer's (P&B's) query about whether quantum probability can provide a foundation for the cognitive modeling embodies so many underlying implications that the subject is far from exhausted. In this brief commentary, however, I suggest that the conceptual thresholds of the meaningful learning give rise to a typical Boltzmann's weighting measure, which indicates astatistical verisimilitudeof quantum behavior in the human cognitive ensemble.
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    Entretien au Collège de France avec Anne Cheng autour du thème « Chine des Lumières, lumières chinoises ».Gisèle Berkman, Jiang Dandan & Pascal Sévérac - 2015 - Rue Descartes 84 (1):90.
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  34. Avances en el estudio empírico de la experiencia estética.Gisèle Marty Broquet - 2004 - Ludus Vitalis 12 (22):123-139.
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    Comentário ao artigo "Sobre as consequências filosóficas do primado da percepção em Merleau-Ponty".Gisele Batista Candido - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (spe):263-268.
    Resumo O propósito deste texto é mostrar que os problemas enfrentados por Merleau-Ponty, ao longo de seu percurso de pensamento, decorrem dos pressupostos dicotômicos dos quais ele parte. Assim, procuramos trazer à tona outras consequências de se assumir tal pressuposto, o do primado de uma experiência perceptiva muda como solo natal de todas as outras modalidades da experiência. Para tanto, tomam-se em consideração tanto a primeira como a segunda fase do pensamento de Merleau-Ponty.Our purpose is to show that the problems (...)
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    À propos du texte de Barbara Cassin.Giselle Donnard - 2001 - Multitudes 3 (3):197-198.
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    Consideraciones sobre la relación entre pasión Y razón en la filosofía de Baruch Spinoza: La imitación afectiva para Una comunidad.Gisel Farga - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 37:171-191.
    El presente artículo intentará atravesar una pequeña parte de la cartografía afectiva spinozista. Nos detendremos en la idea de imitación afectiva, momento en el que la categoría de otro - expresión de la exterioridad - se presenta como un desconocido de quien, a pesar de no haber tenido un encuentro específico, podemos sentirnos afectados. Desandar los caminos de la mimesis afectiva nos permite establecer un origen social afectivo que como tal descubrirá la importancia que tienen los afectos en la vida (...)
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  38. Conclusion: d'un déplacement plus radical.Pierre Gisel - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (4):345-350.
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  39. Du symbolique au symbole ou du symbole au symbolique? Remarques intempestives in Les sacrements de Dieu.Pierre Gisel - 1987 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 75 (3):357-370.
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  40. Réponse a Philoppe Borgeaud.Pierre Gisel - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (4):307-312.
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  41. Rudolf Bultmann, illustration d'un destin protestant?Pierre Gisel - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):585-606.
    Bultmann a-t-il été en partie victime d’une certaine « logique du protestantisme » ? R. Marlé a posé la question. Un théologien protestant peut être d’accord pour le fond avec la critique catholique, mais en la reprenant dans un esprit différent qui fera valoir la particula veri propre à Bultmann. On passera en revue à cet effet les quatre principaux griefs qui lui sont adressés.a) Réduction, au profit de la foi, de l’objectivité de l’historique et de celle du monde. — (...)
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  42. Religion naturelle, philosophie de la religion et déconstruction du religieux hérité.par Pierre Gisel - 2012 - In Anthony Feneuil & Philippe Grosos, L'expérience religieuse: approches empiriques, enjeux philosophiques. [Paris]: Beauchesne.
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  43. " Nós batalhamos muito para ensinar, porque sabemos que nossos alunos querem aprender": vidas e trajetórias de duas diretoras.Giselle Carino Lage - 2013 - Enfoques: Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 13 (1).
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  44. Vida, mente, máquina: medio siglo de metáforas Camilo J. Cela Conde».Giséle Marty & La Mettrie - 1994 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (2):25.
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    A morte como transformação: Uma aproximação entre Dom Quixote e a Ética de Espinosa.Giselle Cristina Gonçalves Migliari - 2012 - Cadernos Espinosanos 26:155.
    Miguel de Cervantes, no último capítulo de sua obra O engenhoso fidalgo Dom Quixote de La Mancha, retrata o falecimento de seu protagonista, decorrente de uma profunda tristeza. O cavaleiro, depois de vencido, sente-se obrigado a retornar ao seu povoado e a renunciar à cavalaria andante, o que lhe causa a transformação de sua realidade e de seu estado mental - da loucura à cordura -, além do seu direcionamento à morte. Assim como faz Cervantes no início do século XVII, (...)
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    Lisboa - Rio de Janeiro - Fortaleza.Giselle Martins Venâncio - 2005 - Cultura:185-204.
    O presente texto refere-se à trajetória de três homens. Eles nasceram na mesma época, mas viveram cada um em uma cidade distinta. Um morava em Fortaleza, no Ceará, outro em Lisboa e o terceiro no Rio de Janeiro. O que os unia? Livros. Os três tiveram suas vidas marcadas pela edição, impressão e comercialização de livros e relacionadas, particularmente, pela publicação de uma coleção de livros: a Biblioteca do Povo e das Escolas. É dessa coleção e de como ela se (...)
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    Une figure humaine peut cacher une affection-jaguar.Eduardo Viveiros De Castro - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):41-52.
    Résumé Comment peut-on être occidental? Les Amérindiens ne connaissent pas notre dualisme nature-culture, et ils s’en passent fort bien. Ils pensent et vivent la continuité.
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    Human organs from prisoners: kidneys for life.L. D. de Castro - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):171-175.
    A proposal to allow prisoners to save their lives or to be eligible for commutation of sentence by donating kidneys for transplantation has been a subject of controversy in the Philippines. Notwithstanding the vulnerabilities associated with imprisonment, there are good reasons for allowing organ donations by prisoners. Under certain conditions, such donations can be very beneficial not only to the recipients but to the prisoners themselves. While protection needs to be given to avoid coercion and exploitation, overprotection has to be (...)
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    The pre-reflexive presence of the other and the being-for-the-other as a third ecstasis in Sartre’s phenomenological ontology.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:19-28.
    Este artículo presenta una interpretación del ser-para-otro en la ontología fenomenológica de Sartre. A partir de un análisis contextual de la fenomenología de la mirada en El ser y la nada, formulamos el problema del ser-para-otro como tercera ek-stasis. Si admitimos que el ser-para-otro surge de una profundización de la segunda ek-stasis (reflexión) y que, por tanto, está siempre condicionado por ella, corremos el riesgo de caer en la ilusión de la primacía del ser-para-sí. En oposición a esta interpretación, presentamos (...)
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  50. The Thermodynamic Cost of Fast Thought.Alexandre de Castro - 2013 - Minds and Machines 23 (4):473-487.
    After more than 60 years, Shannon’s research continues to raise fundamental questions, such as the one formulated by R. Luce, which is still unanswered: “Why is information theory not very applicable to psychological problems, despite apparent similarities of concepts?” On this topic, S. Pinker, one of the foremost defenders of the widespread computational theory of mind, has argued that thought is simply a type of computation, and that the gap between human cognition and computational models may be illusory. In this (...)
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